
项目名称 制造业项目
招聘企业 某外资制造业集团 猎头职位 物流经理
工作地点 重庆 推荐人数 1人
职位年薪 25万 项目周期 32天
岗位职责 main aim of job:
ensure the compliance to customer orders requirements in terms of timing and quantities by reaching an optimal stock level within the supply chain (operative responsibility for the entire supply chain from supplier to customer)

job description:
- independently and self-responsibly process customer calls; schedule deliveries respecting deadlines and quantities
- independently plan, manage and guarantee the supply chain from supplier to customer (customer calls, orders, order confirmations, timelines, inventory sheets); account for the supply chain stock level; independently introduce measures in cases of deviations and set priorities
- manage incoming and outgoing dispatch while keeping the deadlines set by the customer, conscientiously planning potential inventory backlogs
- ensure correct handling of payment flow to suppliers, customers and external service providers in cooperation with finance department
- collaborate in the conception, planning and realization of procurement, production and distribution logistics for the set-up of a new manufacturing location in cooperation with the logistics planners in the business divisions and central logistics
- coordinate the timing for the implementation of engineering changes of components and finish goods by ensuring mimimum scrap costs
- identify and realize cost-savings potentials in cooperation with logistics planners in head quarters (coburg, shanghai) and central logistics- provide the yearly investments, costs and personal capacity for logistic department
任职要求 job requirement:
- master degree in business or mechanical engineering with a major in logistics or comparable education
- min. 3 years work experience in logistics management function, familiar with scheduling as well as logistics planning in either the automotive industry or ancillary industry.
- expansive knowledge of scheduling methods and principles basic knowledge of business administration and contexts familiar with import/ export processes and especially customs processes comprehensive knowledge of mrp using erp systems such as sap/r3 or qad mathematical skills computer skills
- experience in sap or other erp system
- able to have an overview over the entire supply chain and to assess consequences from changes of each single process step.
- high concentration skills; high flexibility and adaptability to changes in the work environment such as frequent change, delays, or unexpected events under the conditions that customer orders are always complied to ; identifies and resolves problems independantly, comprehensively and in a timely manner.speaks clearly and persuasively in positive or negative situations.
- fluent english, both speaking and writing